Thursday, April 17, 2008

Container loads today

Today is one of the important days of our move.
Our container is coming to our house to load all our stuff .
The ship leaves tomorrow.
We were packing till 2 a.m. last night.
Its a lot of work and I am really proud that Srini and I were able to co-ordinate
and work like a well oiled machine putting all this together.
I have been working on this for the past one year and it has really helped.
We did not get overwhelmed towards the end.
Our estimation of packing material needed was also perfect.
Nothing got wasted.
Amidst all this,Samhita has her Spring Program today.
I need to attend that.Then rush back again to the Public Storage to oversee the loading.
I am waiting for the day to end .
Once the container is loaded,then a big job is least for now!
But I have to compliment my kids on how they have taken all this.
They have been sleeping among boxes for the past one month.
There is no place to walk,sit or eat,and I have not heard a peep from them
complaining about anything.
They are very mature and understand the reasons for the house being this way and
the inconveniences it is causing.
They eat whatever is given,do their homework in a corner,help out a little bit when they feel
like,or they play with their friends(who are also equally adjusting!).
But I think such times are important practical life lessons for them.
I am hoping from today onwards,until we leave next week,I will be able to do
some interesting things with them and give myself and them a break from all this work!

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