Monday, April 21, 2008

Countdown to India..emotional

It still has not hit me that I have just two more days in US.

This has been my home for 11 years and so its hard for me to believe that I

will be going anywhere at all.

But,I am..

There are so many emotions that are sort of swirling in my head right now like a tornado.

Thats why when my friends here ask me how I am feeling at this point about going back,I

am stuck and don't know what to say and where to start.

I am undoubtedly happy that I will be going to my hometown,set up my home and

have my whole family around.Bengalooru is a happening place right now,so its definitely

going to be exciting.

But at the same time,I am leaving behind so many friends and memories.

I have been very lucky that from the first day that I landed here,every minute has

been wonderful.

I set up my home here,my kids were born here,we traveled the world from here,

traveled all over US,had the best time.

But,now its all in my mind and in the hundreds of pictures we have taken.

My home is also one of those unusual places in US where I have such wonderful ,easygoing neighbors and my children have so many friends to play with if they just step out of the house.

No playdates and no setting up timings to play.They all play till it gets dark.

I always have to hear from my family in India how I have to struggle without maids here and how I have lived a tough life doing everything on my own.But even for one moment I have not felt that way.I really have enjoyed taking care of my home and doing my house work is not a burden to me.In fact my life here has been too easy.

I also hear my family in India tell me,"oh you dont have to worry,we get everything in India now.There are malls just like in US,you get all the Italian and mexican food,etc"
I know that too,but that does not make it easier to forget or let go of my life that I have lived for the past decade.
That is why I feel,nobody really understands what I am going through right now other than
people like me who have gone back to settle in India.
It seems strange that I have to feel so bad leaving US when I should be happy to be going back to my own country.
But its human nature that we feel a sense of belonging where our home is.
That is one reason I am sort of consoling myself saying I will soon feel a sense of belonging in
India too once I set up my house and slowly start get attached to my new home.
As they say,time heals eveything...
But US,especially Bay area,especially Fremont will hold a very special place in my heart forever..

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