Wednesday, May 14, 2008

exotic fruits

I have arrived at a time in Bengaluru,when its time for the exotic fruits to arrive.
After many years,I am really enjoying and relishing the wonderful fruits that is so
alien to westerners.
I am introducing them to my kids too.Starting from the starange looking Tatenungu,Pannerle,Nerale,jackfruit to
the common guavas,mangoes,etc which are considered exotic elsewhere.
I think its even more enjoyable to me,because its not just the taste but it takes me
back my childhood.Thats what makes it even more enjoyable.
Whoever is visiting Bengaluru during this time should definitely try out all these
lovely fruits that will quickly disappear as the season is ending.
Not only are they delicious,but are extremely good for health filled with vitamins and

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