Saturday, May 3, 2008

First week in B'lore-my observations...

We have all heard,and in fact it's getting boring to hear how much India has changed..
I have visited India almost every year and I can see,yes,it has changed a lot..
Each and every local has said it once"Bangalore is not what it used to be",which is so true.
Lot of young crowd,crazy number of vehicles,garbage everywhere,new stores,malls,restaurants,overall bursting at the seam.
But my area of interest is different.
Its the thinking of the people that I like to observe and see how much that has changed.
I am amazed at how well locals in their 60s,70s have accepted the way B'lore has become.
Me,being in my 30s am not able to digest some of the things that I see and read.
I can write all day about how the youngsters are more modern,adventerous,blindly aping the west,etc.
But,as a person who has lived in US for 11 years and who has brought her elementary school kids here,I am slowly starting to see how I and my kids need to change and adapt to this city's environment.
Its no longer a city that I can hope will foster interest in Indian culture and Arts in my children.
If they have to do it,then I need to work hard to get them involved in it.
Its no longer a place where family is given priority.
Everybody is so busy and so involved in their own lives and in the rat race of a city life, that I really have to put in a lot of effort to show my kids who our relatives are and to get to know them.
Its going to take some time for me to slowly look around,learn about the changes and take in what is good and leave out what is bad.
Its not easy to shed the mindset of a person like me who grew up in Bangalore in the 80s and
who still thinks B'lore is a city of intellects,a center for literature and a wholesome city to bring up the next generation of B'loreans.
But......I may be wrong.

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